ClickrChart Launches

ClickrChart is a new Web-based application aimed at identifying the most interesting photographers and their photos in the Flickr world. “ClickrChart extracts the top 100 most popular photos, using the secretinterestingness recipe created by Flickr,” says ClickrChart owner Gianluca Merlo. “The website provides free daily, weekly and monthly charts as well as interviews with the most popular photographers in order to promote a photographic culture and encourage rookies to improve themselves.”Website: ClickrCh...

Photo Stats for iPhone

The first application for making infographics on iPhone has just been released on iTunes App Store. Photo Stats app analyses all photos from your camera roll and creates infographics based on the extracted metadata, visualizing how, when and where you take photos with iPhone.From today iPhone users can create infographics about their photos thanks to the new app Photo Stats, which has just been released on iTunes App Store by the Swedish mobile development company Dear Future Astronaut.After users start the application on their iPhone, it analyzes location and time where the photos from the camera roll were taken as well as other photo properties such as size, exposure, ISO, photo application used etc. Statistical data are then transformed...

Vimeo adds professional video hosting plan

"For the last five years, Vimeo has been for personal video sharing and we have had a non-commercial policy - we did not allow videos that are intended to sell or promote a product or service," says Blake Whitman, Vimeo's Vice President of Creative Development in an interview ahead of this week's launch. "For years, people have been asking us when we would open our services to businesses, for commercial services. Finally, we've listened and Vimeo Pro is the answer." Vimeo Pro is priced £123 ($199) per year and offers 50 GB of storage and 250,000 plays. Photographers and videographers that will need to more storage will be able to purchase capacity in 50GB increments for £123 ($199). Additional plays can also be purchased for the same price...

Crowdbooks Launches

Book Publishing Network Crowdbooks Marries The Power Of Crowdfunding With A Passionate Community Of Artists And Investors To Create A Revolutionary New Platform For Photo/Art Books.(May, 2011) When Crowdbooks launches in May, the world will be introduced to a completely new and unique model of publishing. This model will merge talented photographic artists and passionate investors or supporters of the arts with a quality-focused independent publisher. The innovative concept behind Crowdbooks makes it stand out as the first-of-its-kind crowdfunding option that sees an idea through from its inception to publication. This new venture gives rise to exciting opportunities for all involved. Crowdbooks will create a passionate community wherein...

Fotobounce 3.5

Fotobounce 3.5 allows users to!manage, store and share digital photos securely within a private network of friends and family, referred to as “Bouncers”. One of Fotobounce’s key features is its face recognition technology that automatically detects faces when photos are found or imported. As faces are detected by Fotobounce and tagged by the user, this “trains” Fotobounce to learn who people are and helps automate the tagging process. Version 3.5 brings improved face detection accuracy and speed enhancements, as well as support for Twitter and Eye-Fi memory cards. A new product called Fotobounce Viewer has also been released. Fotobounce Viewer allows users to browse Fotobounce libraries remotely and securely from Android, Windows, Mac and...

Camera Pro for iPad 2

KenigArt announces the release of Camera Pro for iPad 2 v1.0. Now, with our app, photos taken on iPad2, will look better than pictures taken on professional SLR cameras. Camera Pro contains 10 tools and instruments to help you make your photos as professional looking as if they were taken with a professional SLR camera by a professional photographer. Our application will teach you how to make highly professional photographs in one click.KenigArt announces the release of Camera Pro for iPad 2 v1.0. Now, with our app, photos taken on iPad2, will look better than pictures taken on professional SLR cameras. The program contains 10 tools and instruments to help you make your photos a professional looking as if they were taken to a professional...

Color Range for iOS

Virginia-based SSA Mobile LLC claims that their brand-new iPhone/iPod/iPad app for photo and image editing, Color Range 1.0, goes far beyond simply brushing parts of the original image to grayscale. The app’s ability to read the color range of a photo, automatically selecting and highlighting colors, while the rest of image is converted to grayscale, makes it an unique and handy tool for making photos look exquisite and stylish.Leesburg, Virginia - SSA Mobile LLC has announced the release of its new iPhone photo and image editor, Color Range 1.0, allowing users to modify the color range of an image and achieve extremely stylish and eye-catching effects with any photo. The app uses an alternative approach to highlight colors, by reading the...

Nokia N9

The Nokia N9: a unique all-screen smartphoneSingapore - Nokia today announced the Nokia N9, built for people who appreciate a stunning blend of design and the latest smartphone technology.  To learn more about the design of the Nokia N9 visit: swipe and you’re homeThe Nokia N9 introduces an innovative new design where the home key is replaced by a simple gesture: a swipe. Whenever you’re in an application, swiping from the edge of the display takes you home.The three home views of the user interface are designed to give fast access to the most important things people do with a phone: using apps, staying up to date with notifications and social networks, and switching between activities.The industrial design of...

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